We deliver total management solution through four key areas:

The Class 4 Gaming Industry is one of the most highly regulated and complex industries in New Zealand and requires specialised Management to ensure compliance with the Gambling Act (2003).

Our Services Include:

  • Review and recommendation of the latest gaming machines to maximise venue performance to enhance customer experience and drive revenue.
  • Strategic advice and management of gaming room interior design, gaming room concepts and layout
  • A dedicated Area Manager to service each individual venue, the Area Manager becomes the venue’s central point of contact for ongoing advice and co-ordination of the day to day operation of their gaming business.
  • Retain and attract new venues in an increasingly competitive marketplace.
  • Industry leading systems and procedures for venues and their staff to ensure staff are fully educated on Harm Minimisation, legislative requirements and Float and Gaming Management.
  • Complete management of Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) Licensing at a Society and Venue level. Maintain a sound relationship with DIA Licencing and Gambling Inspectors.
  • Operational expertise and knowledge to ensure best practice governance and compliance at a Society and Venue level.
  • Recommendation of Service Providers and Contract Negotiation.
  • Development and implementation of policies and procedure documents.

We’re here to help you